35th Reunion

Friday, November 26, 2004
a great night of food, drink and rock and roll!

Featuring … THE SHAKES
Tavistock Country Club
6:30 – 1:00 A.M.

Tickets: $40/person before November 12
($50 after November 12 and at the door)

Enjoy pasta, stir-fry, cheesesteaks, and buffalo wings
served via stations from 7 until 8:30
Coffee and dessert until ?
Cash Bar
Attire: Business Casual

Catch up with our class and friends from neighboring classes from 1966 through 1972

Attendees – Class of 1969

John Bitting
Elysa Boffo
Linda Eisenhauer Bolger
Lynne Clark Bromley
Michael Cahill
Donald Chew
Mollie Mulhern Daniels
Ralph Eastwick
Marilyn Majka Entenmann
Bruce Friedrich
William Garthaus
William Graham
Elise Jepson Green
John Hargrave
Carol Reeves Harkins
Diane Terry Hines
Glenn Hines
Matthew Hyde
Timothy Hyde
Dennis Kain
Douglas Knight
Judith Lazo
Donald Lee
Madelin Naylor Lee
Andy Levering
Donald MacKay
Linda Pratt Marsh
Diane Bjornstad McLaughlin
Anne Harrell Mercado
Alan Mills
Barbara Cummings Mills
Richard Naudain
Garrett Craig O’Donnell
Kenneth Peacock
Barry Schwartz
Charles Smedley
Marcia Spiegle
P. Curtis Trainer
Robert VanEtten
Kenneth Vermaat
James Villa
Robin Waddell
Kathleen Williams
Susan Vail Woelpper
Christopher Wolf

Class of 1969 Photo Gallery


Attendees - Other Classes
Yeager (Kelling) Carole 66
Borish Gene 67
Childs Craig 67
Coach Glenn 67
Crane Dave 67
Dougherty Mary Joan 67
Durham Booth 67
Durham (Vermatt) Sandy 67
Faust (Booth) Leslie 67
Hurd Randy 67
Irish Peter 67
McCollister Ruth 67
Nichols Donna 67
Ramsay (Cline) Linda 67
Reeves Ed 67
Rouh Ed 67
Russell Emily 67
Savatere Bruce 67
Shapleigh (Naylor) Pat 67
Wallace Todd 67
Weiler Linda 67
West (Salvatore) JoAnne 67
Woelpper John 67
Zeyher Craig 67
Demmerly Frank 68
Derham Greg 68
Derham (Birsner) Sue 68
Dougherty Jim 68
Evans Chip 68
Jepson Chris 68
Mecca Len 68
Nichols Joe 68
Price J.P. 68
Sambalino John 68
Smith Rudy 68
Stallings Gail 68
Steets Kathy 68
Cupp Tom 70
Gauntt Bob 70
Nancy 70
Hurd Pete 70
Lawlor (Sayre) Jill 70
Soumerai Cathy 70
Chew Rick 71
Crane Bryony 71
Crane Ed 71
Eastwick (Fath) Louann 71
Graham (Dougherty) Kathy 71
Hancock (Chew) Nancy 71
Kelling Debbie 71
Krier Dave 71
Liggett Audrie 71
Perdomol (Brady) Deborah 71
Rouh Ken 71
Vermatt Gary 71
Lawson Ron 72
Miles Steve 72


Other Classes Photo Gallery